So, I have thought of a subject matter to get this exhibition of mine going. I have decided to infuse some comedy into my exhibition. It will be contemporary and something that won’t send people scurrying away because they feel they don’t know anything about art, especially the over intellectualised kind.
So, my proposal has been sent and I’m just waiting for the final seal of approval by the committee, but so far so good. After thinking up an array of various subject matters from the jolly old animal kingdom (I do love those peacocks) to topical subjects, such as the environmental issues we’re facing. I have decided that Funsim is the subject I shall explore.......
I have my venue and a rather long wall to adorn. So, I just need my artists, which I’m hoping won’t be too much trouble, as I’ve decided that I want a group exhibition.
The above painting is by Sal Marino. Titled: Two Beauties.