Wednesday 10 February 2010

Tracey Emin. My Bed. The Tent. Love them or hate them...

The Bed.

Emin's art is mostly autobiographical. She gives us the bed which shows us the aftermath of a nervous breakdown, cig butts, booze bottles,stained sheets and worn knickers. We read her story.........and she holds nothing back, this I like.

The Tent

Everyone I Have Ever Slept With 1963–1995, also known as "The Tent". Emin an English artist born to a Turkish Cypriot father and British mother. The work was a tent with the appliqued names of, literally, everyone she had ever slept with, but not necessarily in the sexual sense. It was owned by Charles Saatchi, and was destroyed in the 2004 Momart London warehouse fire. She has refused to recreate it.

'Emin's relationship with the artist and musician Billy Childish led to the name of the Stuckism movement. Childish, who is devoted to painting in a style reminiscent of Vincent Van Gogh, was told by Emin, "Your paintings are stuck, you are stuck! - Stuck! Stuck! Stuck!" (that is, stuck in the past). He recorded the incident in a poem, from which Charles Thomson, who knew them both, coined the term Stuckism'