Monday 15 February 2010

Chris Yates. Artist-Funism Exhibtion.

About Chris -

"Stuckism is a radical and controversial art group that was co-founded in 1999 by Charles Thomson and Billy Childish (who left in 2001) along with eleven other artists. The name was derived by Thomson from an insult to Childish from his ex-girlfriend, Brit artist Tracey Emin, who had told him that his art was 'Stuck'. Stuckists are pro-contemporary figurative painting with ideas and anti-conceptual art, mainly because of its lack of concepts. Stuckists have regularly demonstrated dressed as clowns against the Turner Prize. Several Stuckist Manifestos have been issued. One of them Remodernism inaugurates a renewal of spiritual values for art, culture and society to replace the emptiness of current Postmodernism. The web site, started by Ella Guru, has disseminated these ideas, and in five years Stuckism has grown to an international art movement with over 170 groups in 41 countries. These groups are independent and self-directed.

Stuckism is a radical art movement founded in London in 1999 to advance new figurative painting with ideas as the most vital artistic means of addressing contemporary issues.

Stuckism is a rebuttal of the twentieth century development of Modernism, which has resulted in an increasingly fragmented, isolated, material-obsessed and stultifying academia, existing not by virtue of the work but institutional and financial power, flattered by critical acquiescence.

Stuckism regards the foundation of Modernism in art as an opportunity for vision, integrity and communication which has never been fulfilled.

The Stuckists are, therefore, opposed to the current pretensions of so-called Brit Art, Performance Art, Installation Art, Video Art, Conceptual Art, Minimal Art, Body Art, Digital Art and anything claiming to be art which incorporates dead animals or beds - mainly because they are unremarkable and boring.

The name Stuckism was derived, in the best art historical tradition, from an insult, in this case from 1999 Turner Prize Nominee, Tracey Emin, to ex-boyfriend, Billy Childish: "Your paintings are stuck, you are stuck! Stuck! Stuck! Stuck!"

This was quoted in a poem by Billy Childish. Charles Thomson subsequently coined the term Stuckism and proposed joining forces to found a group. The most important ideas behind this impetus are contained in a co-written manifesto, The Stuckists.

This was followed by a manifesto Remodernism 'towards a new spirituality in art', inaugurating a period in art, culture and society to replace the current futility of Postmodernism. Remodernism provides a framework to include those working in disciplines other than painting (and even outside the arts altogether), who subscribe to the same values as the Stuckists. The Defastenist art group in Ireland have declared themselves a Remodernist group"